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Showing posts from August, 2016

PYTHON PROCESSING / Better late than never!

Only the other day, I started to look at Processing again. And I just realized it has Python mode! MOMENT OF REALIZATION I really SHOULD have taken Processing thing more seriously years ago. I practice and study Processing ON and OFF, depending on interest. Processing was particularly very popular around 2010. Still not dying today, not sure whether people are still using it or not. Lots of good books were written back then. As Visual Artist, my attempt to start getting serious with programming started when I was looking at works from John Maeda. I have one of his digital art book, still inspiring and brilliant. I think his book and tool titled Design By Number (DBN) is one of books that encourage myself to try on programming. DBN is simple and interesting and the book is worth looking before one jumps into Processing. There is also another book about "Basics Programming" with lots of cartoon drawing of dragons, etc. It helps me to say to myself: "Ok, I should learn...