Just recently, I am starting to dig into XCode and iOS app development with Swift language. For me, as beginner, my curiosity really revolves around Touch interface and how I can actually use it for things like the ARKit, maybe it will involve the SceneKit and SpriteKit. I am probably going to try the generic and premade UI that is provided with XCode and iOS API. The version of XCode I am using is either 8 or 9 Beta. SOURCE OF STUDY I am self taught with Swift and programming. So far, I am reading Apple's provided iOS development and Swift programming iBooks. There are some resources online dated from 2014, some are using older Swift and XCode. It is a good idea I think to invest on full course or proper books on iOS development, this way, you have some kind of hollistic approach, a guide of some sort from start to the end. Although you can always randomly crawling for interesting topics. I guess the most important step is to get used to XCode environment and Swift codin