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Showing posts from July, 2017

IOS / ARKit and SceneKit Introduction

I am thinking to write a series of article blog on developing iOS app, but in term of experimental and educational level. No aim in particular, but I think documenting my baby steps with iOS app development might actually help others. MORE FUN THAN I THOUGHT Being exposed to Apple XCode for the first time (version 9 beta I am using) and Swift 4, and also iPhone capability to do Augmented Reality , really bring a whole lot of fun area I can explore. Even as 3D artist with little programming knowledge like me, I can say that it just takes a bit of effort and motivation to brave yourself and try the app creation. Even if you are not going to make paid app, the act to actually make your iOS device to work for you using your own custom app is amazing. Making program for desktop computer VS making apps for mobile device is a totally different set of skill, in a sense that for mobile device (comes with powerful camera, wifi, bluetooth, AR capable, GPS capable and a lot more) you hav...

IOS / File Sharing via iTunes and Files app (iOS 11)

Saving FILE / DOCUMENT that you generate using your iOS app is an interesting task when developing iOS App. Eventually you also want to know this ability. You can apparently very quickly save out text files, or output all kind of processed files, etc. into Document sandbox of your app, for later to be accessible via iTunes or NEW Files app (iOS 11)! WRITE CUSTOM URL You need to prepare your URL Scheme for your app first. This will be handy at later stage. PLIST Then we got to deal with PLIST attributions. This is pretty easy once understood.

IOS / Time and Date Stamp

At some point, it would be useful to understand how Swift can generate DATE and TIME data for you. Especially when taking a snapshot or screenshot on the fly and wanting to save the file. Quick browsing leads me to this: Just like MacOS does SCREENSHOT Cmd+Shift+3, this will become handy.

IOS / Animation and Easing

I am interested to use Animation and Easing for Sprite for my experimental iOS App. Quick search and stumbled into this Sprite Kit Easing Swift repository at Github. My thought is that we can probably use preset animation action that Apple provided, but this one add more. I should actually try the default first. But eventually I know I will be using some of these extra actions. This is entering yet another NEW things! I am discovering something called CocoaPods . Somekind of way to manage versions of dependency when we are using some kind of extension. Read CocoaPods documentation here: Ok so my step by step is like this: - Install CocoaPods, easy enough, via Terminal - Then create Podfile inside the project - Install the Podfile dependency, etc. - All good, we should have a new XCode Workspace (!) that we open the next time we want to run the project with Pod...

STUDY / Swift and iOS App Development

When you are self taught in programming, and starting to make your own app, you will soon reach this part where there are so much more to learn all at the same time. Just like when you are entering a new world while playing game. So far, my exploration and study is really only involving the trivial areas that interest me mostly: ARKit and trying to put 3D contents, animation that some day will make a real app that I could probably sell or maybe I can make apps that can be useful for many iPhone users. I am currently using the beta version of XCode 9, the latest update is improving the app, much faster and does not crash much. My iOS App development journey is pretty fun so far, so many new things to learn. Basically the process begins from WWDC 2017. And then I got curious and checking out the Swift Playground app and the iBooks offered by Apple on Swift. That is a good start. Soon enough, once you jump into XCode, things started to get real. Actually a lot of nice starting p...